SAM은 서울예술기획의 이름이자 곧 비전입니다.
당신의 특별한 날을 더욱 특별하게 만들어줄 Special Attracttive Movements를 뜻합니다.
38년이란 시간의 깊이가 가져다 준 공연 기획/제작과 관객서비스에 대한 노하우를 바탕으로 최고급 문화예술서비스 매니지먼트사로서 예술을 통한 사회의 감성 가치 창출을 모토로 활동하고 있습니다.
공연예술계의 마르지 않는 샘, 클래식에서 포스트모던까지 아우르는 SAM의 수많은 콘텐츠로 당신의 삶에 소중한 추억을 선물하겠습니다.
It also means "Special Attractive Movements" which is a part of our mission to bring various exciting performances to the audience.
Our goal is to create “emotional value” based on the know-how obtained from our 38 years of experience in “performing art planning, production, and audience service”. As one of the leading players in the performing arts field, SAM has been recognized as one of the prominent companies which specialize in music management since its establishment in 1986.
With its achievements and acknowledgments from the performing arts field in South Korea, SAM pursues its vision for the next generations by expanding its activities to a variety of performances.
SAM promises that it will continue to make sincere efforts not only for all Koreans but also for international audiences through its high-quality performances.
SAM은 서울예술기획의 이름이자 곧 비전입니다.
당신의 특별한 날을 더욱 특별하게 만들어줄 Special Attracttive Movements를 뜻합니다.
38년이란 시간의 깊이가 가져다 준 공연 기획/제작과 관객서비스에 대한 노하우를 바탕으로 최고급 문화예술서비스 매니지먼트사로서 예술을 통한 사회의 감성 가치 창출을 모토로 활동하고 있습니다.
공연예술계의 마르지 않는 샘, 클래식에서 포스트모던까지 아우르는 SAM의 수많은 콘텐츠로 당신의 삶에 소중한 추억을 선물하겠습니다.
It also means "Special Attractive Movements" which is a part of our mission to bring various exciting performances to the audience.
Our goal is to create “emotional value” based on the know-how obtained from our 38 years of experience in “performing art planning, production, and audience service”. As one of the leading players in the performing arts field, SAM has been recognized as one of the prominent companies which specialize in music management since its establishment in 1986.
With its achievements and acknowledgments from the performing arts field in South Korea, SAM pursues its vision for the next generations by expanding its activities to a variety of performances.
SAM promises that it will continue to make sincere efforts not only for all Koreans but also for international audiences through its high-quality performances.